Many people in Pennsylvania who were considering divorce over the holiday season will file their paperwork in January. The first month of the year is a popular time for initiating the end of a marriage, and many family law attorneys notice a spike in filings during this time. However, people who are getting serious about this issue should think carefully before filing a petition.
A lot of people choose to file for divorce in January because they were waiting until after the holidays to start the process. There are also theories that stress during the holidays causes couples to fight more, and this fighting leads to more divorces in January. Whatever factors led to the decision to file for divorce, it is important that people do not do so out of anger. A rash decision to file divorce paperwork in January could be a big mistake, depending on a couple’s financial situation.
It is important for a spouse to gather all of the relevant financial records in advance. A lawyer may be able to help a spouse who is considering divorce to determine what information is needed in order to have the upper hand during negotiations. People who are patient about collecting this information could end up saving a lot of time and expense.
A lawyer can often help a client to prepare for the divorce process and determine the best timing to file. If financial records cannot be found, a lawyer may want to subpoena these records. The lawyer may also help to uncover hidden assets so that they can be considered in property division negotiations or litigation.